Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2012

Ngô Tử binh pháp

Wu Qi Art of War

(Redirected from Wu Zi Art of War)
Wu Qi Art of War, also known as Wu Zi Art of War, altogether has 6 Chapters, in this work by Wu ZiSun Zi Art of War can be seen as a general handbook on war, but looking at Wu Qi Art of War, you will notice much emphasis is placed on strengthening the nation and its people. Only one chapter, Chapter 5 is dedicated to handling changing war circumstances. So it is always recommended to read Sun Zi Art of War and Wu Qi Art of War.
The Chapters are as follow:
1st Part
  1. Strengthening the Nation, 图国
  2. Knowing the Enemy, 料敌
  3. Managing Troops, 治兵
2nd Part
  1. Selection of Generals, 论将
  2. Responding to Changes in War, 应变
  3. Motivating Talents, 励士

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