Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2012

Wu Qi Art of War Chapter 1

Need for Strengthening Domestic and External Issues

Original: 吴起儒服,以兵机见魏文侯。
起曰:“臣以见占隐,以往察来,主君何言与心违。今君四时使斩离皮革,掩以朱漆,画以丹青,烁以犀象。冬日衣之则不温,夏日衣之则不凉。以长戟二丈四尺, 短戟一丈二尺。革车奄户,缦轮笼毂,观之于目则不丽,乘之以田则不轻,不识主君安用此也?若以备进战退守,而不求用者,譬犹伏鸡之搏狸,乳犬之犯虎,虽有斗心,随之死矣。昔承桑氏之君,修德废武,以灭其国;有扈氏之君,恃众好勇,以丧其社稷。明主鉴兹,必内修文德,外治武备。故当敌而不进,无逮于义也;僵 尸而哀之,无逮于仁也。”
English: Wu Qi dressed in Confucian attire, had an audience with...

Need for Strengthening Domestic and External Issues-Wu Qi

Need for Strengthening Domestic and External Issues-Wu Qi


Wu Qi dressed in Confucian attire, had an audience with Lord Wen of Wei to discuss about military issues.
Lord Wen of Wei said,"I am not interested in military affairs."
Wu Qi replied,"From the visible facts, I can deduce the hidden. From the past, I can discern the future. How can your lordship say this topic does not accord with your thoughts? Throughout the four seasons, you have gathered the skins of wild animals, covered them with lacquer, painted them with colors and embellished them with glistening images of rhinoceros and elephants. Wearing them in winter does not keep one warm; wearing them in summer does not make one cool. Moreover, the lord has ordered the making of twenty four feet and twelve feet long halberds and had leathers to cover the chariots. These chariots are not grand and beautiful at all. These chariots are not mobile enough for hunting. I have no idea what use you have for them. If they are to be used for war, but your lord does not seek capable people who are adept in using them, such a situation is similar to a nesting hen fighting against the fox or a bitch fighting a tiger. Although they have great fighting spirit, but they will still die. In the past, the Lord of Cheng Sang Clan focused on improving the culture and domestic issues but neglected military affairs, thereby leading to the extinction of the state. The Lord of Yu Hu Clan was belligerent thus he focused on military affairs and neglected domestic affairs, he too led the state to extinction. The enlightened ruler would have used such examples to remind him that he should tend to both the domestic affairs and military affairs together. When the enemy comes and you do not fight them, such does not count as righteousness. When you only start grieving the death of your soldiers after they have died, such does not count as benevolence."
Thereupon, Lord Wen personally laid a mat for Wu Qi and his wife presented Wu Wi with a goblet of wine. The lord later invited Wu Qi to the ancestral temple and appointed him as the Commander-in-Chief for the defence of the Western River. From then on, Wu Qi altogether fought seventy six battles with other feudal lords, winning sixty four of them decisively. For the other battles, they resulted in a draw. He expanded Wei's territory in all directions, broadening Wei's border by a thousand of li. All these were Wu Qi's accomplishments.

Modern Chinese




Unity and People's Support

Original: 吴子曰:“昔之图国家者,必先教百姓而亲万民。有四不和:不和于国,不可以出军;不和于军,不可以出陈;不和于陈,不可以进战;不和于战,不可以决胜。是 以有道之主,将用其民,先和而造大事。不敢信其私谋,必告于祖庙,启于元龟,参之天时,吉乃后举。民知君之爱其命,惜其死,若此之至,而与之临难,则士以进死为荣,退生为辱矣。”
English: Wu Qi said:"In antiquity, the ruler who planned to run his state...

Unity and People's Support-Wu Qi

Unity and People's Support-Wu Qi


Wu Qi said:"In antiquity, the ruler who planned to run his state well, would teach and enlightened the people, be close to the people and understand their sufferings. There are four disharmonies the ruler should take note of. If there is disharmony in the state, you cannot start a military campaign. If there is disharmony within the army, they cannot be allowed to battle. If there is disharmony within formation, they cannot be used to lead an attack. If there is lack of cohesion during the conduct of the battle, you cannot score a victory. For this reason, the eminent ruler before he employ his people, he would unite them them first, before achieving great matters together. The ruler will not dare rely solely on his own plans, but will announce formally at the ancestral temple, divine its prospects and seek from Heaven the appropriateness of timing. Only if they are all auspicious, then he will proceed to mobilise the army. People will then know that the ruler value their lives, will be sorrowed by their deaths and willing to share weal and woe with them. Officers will then consider death while advancing is glorious and life gained through retreating is disgraceful."

Modern Chinese




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